torstai 26. toukokuuta 2011

Media & Government & Mind Control

After looking into the Gabrielle Giffords shooting ( Stefan @ Youtube has good insight into it ) and checking all the youtube videos ( for example: Introduction to Jared Lee Loughner ) made by the shooter Jared Loughner, I'm convinced he was an intellect with deep insight of our reality.

So how did it all begin? Jared took a stand against his unconstitutional college and he was escorted from the school by the police. He pledged to Bill of Rights and American Constitution but was ignored in the media. ( This Student At Pima Community College: An Unconstitutional Crime! ) He was also found guilty of being so delusional and mentally sick, incompetent if you wish, that he wasn't allowed for trial. ( Suspect Incompetent for Trial )  
"Burns viewed 18 hours of the experts' videotaped interviews with Loughner. He said the experts' reports and videos were confidential, but he summarized their findings at the hearing."

We are not allowed to hear the facts, only opinions, vague interpretations of what Jared might have actually wanted to say. similar cases are common around the world, information is disclosed, banned and those punished who do not obey the rule of secrecy. (footnote: Court of Protection) 
In his videos he's talking about Unconstitutional Schooling system among creating a new language, a currency. If we created a language and another, thus we are able to create also third language. Why do we allow government to say whats correct language? Our spoken speech has no meaning. Engineers and mathematicians have a language of their own, sophisticated, exact. When an engineer makes plans, the other engineers never have to wonder what the author meant with each word or symbol since they are exact. Our spoken language however is very vague and hard to understand. The definition of words vary while most of the "important" words are blank to most of the population, they do not know the meaning and they do not care, for our world is full of pleasure and distraction.
Satan can be proud... oh wait, he didn't exist.. or was his greatest trick to convince the world so?

In this news article about Jared ( msnbc - Profile of suspect Jared Loughner: ‘I can't trust the current government’ )
it states:

"They (The Video) do complain that too few people in the area speak English — immigration has been a hot-button political issue, particularly in the border state of Arizona, and the federal judge who was killed had handled high-profile cases about immigration, after which he received threats. (The sheriff said Saturday night that it appears the judge was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the gunman went first for the congresswoman.)"

The news is filled with similar opinions about his other motives and behavior with bunch of other opinions such as "he was obviously very disturbed." and "He disrupted class frequently with nonsensical outbursts," - well go figure, the guy had 160 IQ. Obviously you tend to be bit different when you perceive the world trough intellect, not emotions or prechewed opinions, when you can think for yourself and not rely on a book for information, when youre brave enough to form opinions that do not go hand to hand with the consensus reality. Teachers are robots producing more robots, upkeeping the old and destructive illusion of reality.
Jared also spoke a great deal about mind control and how media and government are brainwashing people. He described himself living in a "conscious state" where he could not associate illusion from reality, living in a dream, in a wonderland.
Jared claims to have disassociated with reality, with his body, he's a walking body, a zombie where mind is trapped within. such were the perfect candidates for mind control. He might have done it for other reasons such as Giffords being pro-War and sending troops to die in the illuminati chess board for the freedom... of profit in the small circle of power elite.

So what about Monarch Programming? have a look at - Monarch Programming Mind Control

And last but least, a nice short roundup describing the deadly symbiosis that has formed between the mass media and the Monolithic Government

Conspiracy of the government and media - Youtube

Rich get richer while poor get poorer, Rich vs Poor.

Jared's message was clear, he did not trust the government, he talked of massive brainwash imposed by the media etc, he said the schooling system was unconstitutional as well as the police. If he was right, who can protect us from such a sinister system?

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